May 25, 2004

First Plane Ride

Snapshots In My Time, Of My Time.....Hauntings.

Elementary and middle school summers.

Canada-my second home. When My brother and I were small my mom used to send us off to summer in Canada. I remember the first time we went. I was terrified. I wish my mother had explained what to expect on the first plane ride. I would not been so terrified. I was, first of all, afraid of the plane ride. My mom had arranged for Delta airlines to get my brother and I to the necessary gates to transfer flights in Atlanta. That was okay. The attendants did a great job and I even got wings. So did my brother.

The ride was so stressful, I began to pray when we first took off and I asked for a sign that I would survive the trip. I was sitting in a seat with just the panel in front of me next to the window. When I opened my eyes from praying I saw the word "GOD" right in front of me in the design of the wood paneling. I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me so I closed them and looked again. Was this my sign? It was. All of a sudden a peace came over me and I knew everything would be alright.

The next thing that freaked me out was the meal. It was a very long flight after we switched planes on the last leg to Canada. The attendants asked our menu choices for dinner. I did not know if it was free or if we had to pay for it. My mother had given me $20 for me and $20 for my brother. We were hungry. I was panicked. Was the meal free? Did we have to pay? I tried to see what other people were doing as far as meals. Were they pulling out money? I could not tell. I just said to myself that if I was asked for money I would have to give up the $40 and pay for the meal. I would just sit quietly and not say anything about paying for it. The meal came and we ate. It was not an enjoyable meal for me. I was panicked about having to give up the $40. That was to last us for all the time we were in Canada for little things we wanted to buy for ourselves.

The meal was complete and no one asked me for money. I was finally relieved. We finally touched down in Canada. I was expecting my aunt and uncle to be there. Were they? HELL NO! I had to call them from the airport and they were still at home. She said she did not know what time we were coming in. They lived about 40 minutes away so we had to wait at least an hour to be picked up. I was mad at her and my mother. There was no coordination it seems between the 2 of them about the final details. Finally they picked us up. It could only get better from there.


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