Snapshots In My Time, Of My Time.....Hauntings.

It is that time again...time for The Amazing Race! I love that show. It is my dream to be on it or Survivor some day. The picture above is the group shot of everyone. Here is just a little snippet about each of the teams with links to the full story just to wet your whistle. I just cannpt belive that Allison the snake from Big Brother is on this show. There is bound to be controversy with her around. Should be good!
Allison and Donnie
They are from Pennsylvania and have been dating for 3 years. Allison was on BB4 where her "skanky ways" put her relationship with Donnie on the outs. I cannot believe he is still with her. She was a hoochie!
Bob and Joyce
Both these people are widers and found each other compliments of the WWW and have been dating for about a year.
Brandon and Nicole
Both of these team members are "god fearing christians." (Fanatic?!) They met when Nicole was modeling a wedding gown and Brandon just happened to be her escort.
Charla and Mirna
Kissing cousins from Syria who migrated to America when they were small children. They are world travelers fluent in 4 languages. My bet is these two will go a long way due to their international background. That is, if they do not get knocked out for lagging behind due to the pysical challenges.
Chip and Kim
Married couple together over 25 years. They met in 1978 at a party when Kim was getting her freak on doing "the freak."
Colin and Christie
Both from Texas ahd have been dating for over a year. If they make it thru the race together Colin plans to propose. Can we just day "DOOMED" right now?! Marriage should not depend on the race.
Dennis and Erika
They met in college and later went on a trip to Italy together where a shocked Dennis found out that Erika likes to go skydiving in the nude.
Jim and Marsha
Father and daughter team from Florida. They are a military family who has spent serveral years in Germany.
Kami and Karli
Identical twins from Oregon. Hopefully we will be able to tell them apart!
Linda and Karen
Bowling moms from California. They look pretty tough but...they stamina and ability to make it through the physical challenges might do them in. They do both look like of hefty and not light on their feet.
Marshal and Lance
Brothers from Texas who are in the restaurant business. They own a pizza parlor and they bothe look like they eat alot of pizza. Too much! Physical challenges mey be this teams down fall as well. They do not look fit as a fiddle.
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