February 09, 2007


Snapshots In My Time...
Of My Time.....Hauntings.

Body jewelry is something that does not look good on everyone. It think you have to have a certain air about you to pull it off. Just being freaky and odd does not always look good. I have actually seem a lot of piercings that actually enhance looks.

I am not about anything that looks like a nose ring...we have a girl at work who wears one like a bull. All she needs is a rope. I do like the naval piercings. I would love to have one of those. There is even some Valentine Jewelry for that special day. It would take a lot of nerve for me to get a piercing, but I do admire the nice ones.

Fresh Trends has quite a variety! They have barbells of all shapes and sizes. Even ones of titanium. There are peircings for eyebrows, nipples and noses. They have all sorts of things. Safety is one thing that needs to be considered. There is a very important section on aftercare that really needs to be reviewed to ward against infections.

Fresh Trends has all your piercing needs. From the selections to aftercare. They truly have the entier piercing package!
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