February 17, 2013

Proper Coffe Etiquette

I am not sure why but it really annoys me when I am sitting in Barnes and Noble and I hear people talking on their cell phones and calling this a Starbucks!  It simply does.  I just heard it...a few seconds ago!  There is not comparison.  Barns and Nobel does not take any Starbuck cards or honor any of their specials.  The service is not the same.  The staff at Starbucks treat you and your cup of coffee special.  You know you have been served by a REAL barista at Starbucks. Not the same at the book store  where any clerk can ring you up.

Maybe I am a coffee snob.  I think I might be leaning that way. The staff here at my local Barnes and Nobel are very quick to point out that they are not a Starbucks I any way, shape or form.  That is okay thought.  When I am coming here, I might not  have coffee as the focus. It is normally books with coffee being the after thought. In addition, there simply are not enough outlets here for all the people who want to use their laptops.  Not the case in the newly remodeled Starbucks now equipped with a plethora of outlets. 

Even the clientele of people are different.  The book store is normally filled with students with overstuffed backpacks dressed in emo or punk or drunge.  The Starbucks patron is normally  older, trendy and on way to some very important business meeting who must have that skinny soy latte! 
While the coffee brand is the same and served at both places, the feel, the service and customers are in  different leagues altogether.  I am sure.  I am sure, I am a coffee snob.  Please don't call the cafĂ© at Barnes and Noble, Starbucks!  It is not proper coffee etiquette!


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