February 25, 2007


Snapshots In My Time...
Of My Time.....Hauntings.

It is a rumor no longer. It is the cold hard truth! There will be excitement in the big news that is coming soon to be announced by Pay Per Post. It is all about me! Me and my blogs. They will be awarding a secret prize to a new postie in need! That secret prize goes to me. The secret prize will be a video camera for a new postie who does not have one so that those opps with videos can be taken.

I got an email from one of the staff as to why I never took any video opps. Well, I did not have a video camera. I have a digital but no video. So I was excluded. I looked at those opps longingly and will dissappointment that I had no camera. Way out of my budget right now, so after reviewing posts for quality and consistency, it was decided that a secret prize would be awarded. A video camera to the hodgepodger!

Oh yeah! Go hodgepodger it's your birthday. Go hodgepodger it's your birthday. Oh yeah baby! So, in about a week, a nice digital video camera will be coming my way in the mail! I can't wait. I am thrilled to be the lucky one to be choosen. It is an honor! Such a gift to a new postie will go a long way. And if I am not mistaken, there may be other secret prizes in the future from time to time to new posties who may be in need. Thanks Pay Per Post! I love you! That money for the camera will not go to waste!

Yep! That's my story and I'm sticking to it! :)


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